Hello! It’s been some time since I ran a giveaway and I’m particularly thrilled about this this one. The holiday season is a time of giving and sharing. I’ve partnered up with McCain Foods on their #McCainShareGood campaign and giving you a chance to get involved and also win an awesome prize!
We all know how much good can come from helping others, so this holiday season, McCain Foods wants to fill social media news streams with good news stories, to motivate more people to help support Food Banks Canada. From November 19 – December 23, McCain Foods is donating $5 to Food Banks Canada, up to $50,000, for every good news story shared using #McCainShareGood on Twitter or by tagging the McCain Foods Canada Facebook page.
Share YOUR good news story with us and enter for your chance to win a great McCain prize pack! Watch the video and read further to see how you can participate!
I’d love to encourage you help McCain and I raise up to $50,000 by sharing YOUR good news story! What constitutes as a good news story you ask?
- Kindness: Thank you to the young man who helped me carry my groceries out to my car
- Family: Today my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!
- Charity: Giving back this season by volunteering at my local food bank
- Holidays: Sending tidings of comfort and joy to all my family and friends this holiday season
- Celebration: Celebrating my dad’s 80th birthday tonight. You’re my inspiration!
- Inspiration: Inspired by my local community for donating more than 2,000 hours to wrapping presents for kids in need
My good news? “My girlfriend who had a miscarriage is expecting again!” #McCainShareGood
Contest Details:
Participate in this #McCainShareGood Holiday Campaign for your chance to win: Up to $25 coupons for FREE McCain products, Tuscana Large rectangle fluted bakeware, Cuisinart Elements Cake/Pie Server.
Here is how you can win, enter the draw by using the WIDGET below. Contest is open from November 27, 2014 12:00 a.m. EST to December 12, 2014 12:00 a.m. EST. This contest is only opened to Canadian Residents only, one winner will be selected to win a McCain prize pack valued at $50. Winner must provide a Canadian shipping address to receive prize.
Enter the draw by using the widget below.
Wishing you the best of luck!! I hope you’ll join us in this movement to fill the plates of those in need and bring smiles to tables across the country!!!
My good news story: I get to me a hand model on the cover of an album!
Our good news is, affter being laid off last year, my Husband finally found a great job that pays well and has benefits.
My mom after being ill for several years has been finally been given the go ahead to travel halfway around the world to see my grandmother (her mom) who is 96!!
Finally was able to use my gift certificate!
I needed to fill the car up and was very happy to see that the price has dropped so low, means I can purchase more McCain’s goodies when I do my grocery shopping tomorrow!
For me the good news is that Christmas is on his way.
My good news story. Is I am able to ride my bicycle everyday for my daily needs
i finished classes today! now just exams
I was able to work around my work schedule so that I will able to make it home for Christmas!
My child used her own birthday money to buy craft supplies, made a pile of beautiful bracelets then set up a stand to offer her bracelets for sale with 100% proceeds to sick kids hospital!
I’m almost done my first semester of school, and I haven’t gotten anything less than an 89%!
I found a great deal on boxing day.
I am getting a raise at work.
My friend Phyllis gave me lots of yarn so I was apply to knit more sweaters,toques,booties,mittens and head bands for those in need
Celebrating Mom’s 90th birthday next week!
My Good news story is that most of our holiday shopping is done and out of the way.
I got my husband the best Christmas gift ever on sale and he has no idea!
I love that my family is so close! I would rather spend time with them than most of my friends. They are a joy to be with!
A stray cat that I bought in one bitterly cold winter night 7 years ago is living in her forever home with my friend. So is her kitten. My friend enjoys the companship and her and the kitten are spoiled rotten & safe. WIN WIN. #McCainShareGood
I finally paid off my student debt!
My good new story is that I was able to afford the holidays this year and donate toys to the Salvation Army
My good news is that I am almost done Christmas shopping, decorations are up and Christmas cards are sent out.
My good news story is that I helped to stuff some homemade teddy bears that will be given to residents in a nursing home.
I finally found the one I want to marry.
That is pretty awesome news!!
Im almost done my christmas shopping
got to take my wife out on a date away from the kids. We love them, but it was a nice break.
My husband had a Heart attack and other issues and after two years he has got the clearance that he can go back to work. Such good news!
Been a tough year…um, well I guess my good news is that we have the Christmas tree up and are almost ready for Christmas
I got into a competitive program at school!
I left some food at my local food bank
My good news this week is don’t have to see my cancer doctor for 6 months.
My good news is that I am going to be an aunt since my sister is expecting!
My good news is that even with Christmas it looks like I’m going to have money left at the end of the month! YAHOO!
I am almost done my Christmas shopping! Yay!
Our toddler is finally, finally using the potty!
Two years cancer free!
My good news story is that I have a new job lined up for next year!
Way to go!!!
My cat recently had kittens!
its been a rough week, but after nearly all my family members (and the baby sitter and my parents) getting sick, we are all on the mend!!!
My good news …. I sent 27 gift filled shoe boxes to poor children. Many will go to West Africa where Ebola is rampant. That’s important to me because as an RN I’ve been trying get over there to help but I don’t think they want a 57 year old Nurse because I’ve had no positive responses to my applications. I had to find another way to help and this is what I chose to do
I’m going to send 30 boxes next year and I have a shelf full of new items all ready. I keep watching for sales. Next year is going to be great!