Books have become such a staple in our household and I’m constantly adding new titles to Everett’s growing collection. There are SO many benefits when it comes to reading to children, including improving concentration, developing imagination, expanding vocabulary and language skills, developing empathy and well, with the current pandemic state most of us are faced with, traveling and exploring the world has become a challenge, books can be a fantastic way to teach a child about the world around them. It’s never too early to start – even if your little one is only a few weeks old!
On a personal level, I want to share a recent real-life experience with you. A few weeks ago, Everett’s daycare observed that he was nibbling aka biting a couple of his friends. Now, I know this is very common, likely short lived and a part of healthy development, however as a first-time parent, was I concern? YES! Did it keep me up at night and had me thinking that my child is now baby Godzilla? MAYBE! I asked his teacher for some advice, and she encouraged me to read books to him to teach him that biting (with the exception of food and snacks) is not ok. Guess what? Her advice totally worked!
I’ve linked Everett’s recent favourites below including the ‘biting’ book! Hope you enjoy our picks!

Little Dinos Don’t Bite
Written by Michael Dahl
Illustrated by Adam Record
This is part of a series of several books. If your little one has recently discovered the power of his teeth and chewing on toys or nibbling on you or his friends, this is a great way to teach them not to!

Little People, Big Dreams: Bruce Lee
Written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrated by Miguel Bustos
This is part of a large collection: Little People, Big Dreams. Everett has really taken interest in reading books that have illustrations of people that resembles his own appearance. He really seems to enjoy learning about his Chinese heritage and background.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
Written and Illustrated by Mo Willems
This is part of a series. We were gifted this book from a dear friend when Everett was born and he hasn’t taken interest in it until recently. He absolutely adores as specific page in this book that is full of chaos! The illustrations are simple but really cute and embedded is a fun little lesson for kids.

All Are Welcome
Written By Alexandra Penfold
Illustrated By Suzanne Kaufman
We participated in an Anti-Racism book club a few months ago and through a group of mamas, we received 10+ book titles including this one. It has really colourful illustrations and a fabulous message about inclusivity and equality. Everett especially loves the pull out poster included at the end of the book.

The Going to Bed Book
Written and illustrated By Sandra Boynton
We read this book NIGHTLY. It’s the last book before bedtime, it basically cues time for sleep! We enjoy all the books by Sandra Boynton and this one showcases the essentials to a bedtime routine which is perfect to teach little ones about putting on pjs and brushing teeth!

Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao
Written By Kat Zhang
Illustrated by Charlene Chua
I had purchased this book as part of Lunar New Year celebrations and it was just perfect. As mentioned previously, Everett seems to really enjoy seeing characters in books that resemble his culture and appearance and this is one of them!

My First Words: Vehicles
Illustrated by Audrey Brien
I purchased three similar books as these are wonderful to teach simple words with colourful pictures. They also have an Animals and Home book that has everyday household items.

Good Night, Lightening
Written and illustrated by Disney
Everett is currently obsessed with anything to do with Disney Pixar Cars. We have several Cars books and this one Glows in the Dark which is a ton of fun!
These are just a few recent favourites but of course, I can probably go on and on with my recommendations. If you’re just starting to build a library for your child/baby, here are some additional suggestions for you:
- 0-6 months: soft books (preferably ones that also have crinkly paper), high contrast images, hardcover board books
- 6-12 months: books with real imagery of people, places, animals and things, simple flip books (he would be so entertained by these), books with things that slide, books with textures (fabrics, glittery paper, etc.)
- 12-18 months: story books, flip books, books that encourage speech – alphabet, colour/shape recognition, books with characters they might recognize (i.e. Sesame Street, Disney, etc.)
- 18m+ (this is the stage we are in now): learning about different cultures, places, uniqueness, stories that help with learning a skill – i.e. getting dressed, body parts, potty time, etc.
In terms of where I generally purchase my books, here are some great sources, which I’m sure many of you already know about.
- Amazon – best for quickest shipping option and pretty much every title you can find
- Indigo – great to send as gifts with other items and speciality titles
- Book Outlet – SO good for discounted titles!! But you may not find everything you want
- Winners/Home Sense – only available in stores but so many great offers at lower price point.
I hope your family enjoys reading time as much as we do!
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