I stumbled across this spread of Spring lilacs on a casual stroll last week and couldn’t help but to stop and literally made Kyle snap these photos of me. I can’t believe I spent nearly $30 the other weekend on lilacs (and literally two stems of peonies) at a nearby florist when I could have (but probably shouldn’t) ‘borrow’ some from this yard of lilacs at the park!
The beauty of living in the Beaches neighborhood is that we have so many spots to explore on foot. As much as I love a good sandal sometimes they’re just not all that practical when it comes to long walks by the beach (I sound like I’m writing an online dating profile!). I was introduced to the GEOX Nebula line, designed to walk the world. Nebula features technology that ensures lightness and breathability, offering superior body temperature regulation, which means they’re suitable to wear without socks! I chose these multi-colour version instead of a neutral option because they add so much more fun to a casual weekend outfit!
I’ve also recently been obsessed with wearing longer length necklaces. I went through a phase of dainty stackables, but now, I’m really into longer lengths with larger pendants!
If you like the marble necklace I’m wearing below, keep reading for your chance to win a $60 e-gift card to Shop for Jayu!
Wearing: Nebula Sneakers c/o GEOX / Dress (old c/o Joe Fresh) / Vest via American Eagle / Necklace c/o Shop for Jayu (enter to win!)
Contest Details:
Win an e-gift card valued at $60 Canadian dollars to be spent at Shop for Jayu.
Here is how you can win, enter the draw by using the WIDGET below. Contest is open from May 31, 2016 12:00 a.m. EST to June 7, 2016 12:00 a.m. EST. This contest is opened internationally. Winner will be chosen at random. The winner will be required to provide their contact information in order to receive their prize. Gift card can only be spent online at www.shopforjayu.com.
Enter the draw by using the widget below.
Best of luck friends!!
My fav accessory is my wooden watch.
I’ve always liked the longer pearl necklaces to dress up my outfit for work!
I like bracelets most! They don’t get in the way during my day!
I love necklaces the most!
i love statement necklaces!
My favourite accessories are earrings
My favrite jewerly is the pearl necklace
I love funky midi rings and bold statement necklaces!
I love longer statement necklaces this spring.
In really into the long necklaces now too and I’m a huge fan of ShopforJayu. Their Friday deals are the best!!
I love statement necklaces!
My fav accessory is a sparkly necklace!
I love a pretty pair of dangly earrings.
I love rings, one for each finger please
I love wearing necklaces
My favourite type of jewelry are pendant necklaces.